掲載:2012年8月 / 文責:クリティカル・ケア部
先月7月6日(金)‐7日(土)、北里大学救命救急医学准教授・北原孝雄会長の下、横浜シンポジアにて、第15回日本脳低温療法学会が開催され、弊社は特別講演「Current status and prospects of therapeutic hypothermia for severe head injury and cerebrovascular disease」 座長:相引 眞幸先生 (愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科教授 救急侵襲制御医学講座) 演者:Kees Polderman先生 (米国ピッツバーグ大学神経集中治療部部長、客員教授) を後援させていただきました。
因みにPolderman先生は、現在、低体温療法に関する3つのRCTを並行して行っており、弊社が昨年9月の第4回国際低体温シンポジウムにて招聘した英国エジンバラ大学Peter Andrews教授がとりまとめを行っているEurotherm Trialにも参画されています。
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Polderman KH, Andrews PJ. Hypothermia in patients with brain injury: the way forward? Lancet Neurology 2011; 10:404-5.
Polderman KH. Hypothermia, immune suppression and SDD: can we have our cake and eat it? Critical Care 2011;15:144.
Andrews PJ, Sinclair HL, Battison CG, Polderman KH, Citerio G, Mascia L, Harris BA, Murray GD, Stocchetti N, Menon DK, Shakur H, De Backer D; Eurotherm3235Trial collaborators. European society of intensive care medicine study of therapeutic hypothermia (32-35°C) for intracranial pressure reduction after traumatic brain injury (the Eurotherm3235Trial). Trials 2011; 12:8.
Polderman KH. Therapeutic Temperature Management: State of the Art in the Critically ill:
Mechanisms of action, physiologic effects and complications of hypothermia. Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37:S186-202.
Polderman KH, Herold I. Therapeutic hypothermia and controlled normothermia in the ICU: practical considerations, side effects and cooling methods. Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37:1101-20
Van Zanten ARH, Polderman KH. Blowing hot and cold? Skin counterwarming to prevent shivering during therapeutic cooling. Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37:2106-8.
Weingart S, Mayer S, Polderman K. Rectal probe temperature lag during rapid saline induction of hypothermia after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2009; 80:837-8.
Polderman KH. Therapeutic cooling. In: Oxford Desk Reference Book: Critical Care, 1ST Edition. Waldmann C, Soni N, Rhodes A, Editors; Oxford University Press 2008; 60-61.
Polderman KH. Controversies in Intensive Care: Induced Hypothermia to treat neurological injuries. In: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Yearbook 2008. Kuhlen R, Moreno R, Ranieri M, Rhodes A, editors; Springer Verlag, Berlin 2008; 257-66.
Polderman KH. Induced hypothermia and fever control for prevention and treatment of neurological injuries.
Lancet 2008; 371: 1955-69 (Review).
Polderman KH, Mayer SA, Menon D. Hypothermia therapy after traumatic brain injury in children. New England Journal Medicine 2008; 359:1178.
Polderman KH. Controversies in Intensive Care: Induced Hypothermia to treat neurological injuries. In: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Yearbook 2008. Kuhlen R, Moreno R, Ranieri M, Rhodes A, editors; Springer Verlag, Berlin 2008.
Polderman KH. Induced hypothermia and fever control for prevention and treatment of neurological injuries. Lancet 2008; 371:1955-69 (Review).
Polderman KH, Menon DK, Girbes AR. Treating intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury: keep it cool! Intensive Care Medicine 2008; 34:1738-9.
Polderman KH. Hypothermia and neurological outcome after cardiac arrest: state of the art. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2008; 42:23-30.
Andrews PJ, Citerio G, Longhi L, Polderman K, Sahuquillo J, Vajkoczy P; Neuro-Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (NICEM) Section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. NICEM consensus on neurological monitoring in acute neurological disease. Intensive Care Medicine 2008; 34:1362-70.
Polderman KH. Induced Hypothermia & Neurological Outcome: The 1ST Therapeutic Temperature Management Congress. ICU Management 2008; 4:46-47.
Polderman KH. Cardiac problems in Intensive Care Medicine: Cardiac arrest. In: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine: 25 years of progress and innovation. Kuhlen R, Moreno R, Ranieri M, Rhodes A (eds), Springer Verlag, Berlin 2007; 247-256.
Polderman KH. Induced Hypothermia and Fever Control in Neurological Injury: Cost-effectiveness Issues. ICU Management 2007; 3:14-16.
Polderman KH. Mechanisms and potential side effects of therapeutic mild hypothermia. In: Cardiac arrest: the science and practice of resuscitation medicine, 2ND edition; Paradis N, Halperin H, Kern K, Wenzel V, Chamberlain D, editors; Cambridge University Press 2007; 859-70.
Polderman KH. Inducing hypothermia: cost-effectiveness issues. ICU management 2007;3:14-16.
Polderman KH. Temperature management in critically ill patients: a call to arms. International Journal of Intensive Care, Spring 2007.
Polderman KH, Girbes ARJ. Hypothermia for neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. [Letter]. New England Journal of Medicine 2006; 354:1643-5.
Polderman KH. Induced hypothermia for neuroprotection: understanding the underlying mechanisms. In: 2006 yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, pp 337-351.
Polderman KH, Rijnsburger ER, Peerdeman SM, Girbes ARJ. Induction of hypothermia using large volumes of ice-cold intravenous fluid. Critical Care Medicine 2005; 33:2744-51.
Van Zanten ARH, Polderman KH. Early induction of hypothermia: will sooner be better? (Editorial). Critical Care Medicine 2005; 33:1449-52.
Polderman KH. Inducing hypothermia in the ICU: practical aspects and cooling methods. In: 2005 yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, pp 661-71.
Brux A, Girbes AR, Polderman KH. Controlled mild-to-moderate hypothermia in the intensive care unit. Anaesthesist 2005; 54:225-44 (Review).
Polderman KH. Keeping a cool head: how to induce and maintain hypothermia (Editorial). Critical Care Medicine 2004; 32:2558-60.
Hartemink KJ, Wisselink W, Rauwerda JA, Girbes AR, Polderman KH. Novel applications of therapeutic hypothermia: report of three cases. Critical Care 2004;8:R343-6.
Polderman KH, Ware JH. Therapeutic hypothermia following cardiac arrest: class I evidence? [Letter]. Intensive Care Medicine 2004; 30:2287.
Polderman KH. Therapeutic hypothermia in the Intensive Care unit: problems, pitfalls and opportunities (review). Part 1: indications and evidence. Intensive Care Medicine 2004; 30:556-75.
Polderman KH. Therapeutic hypothermia in the Intensive Care unit: problems, pitfalls and opportunities (review). Part 2: practical aspects and side effects. Intensive Care Medicine 2004; 30:757-69.
Polderman KH. Induced hypothermia to treat post-ischemic and post-traumatic injury. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2004; 12:5-20.
Polderman KH, Van Zanten ARH, Nipshagen MD, Girbes ARJ. Induced hypothermia in traumatic brain injury: effective if properly employed [Letter]. Critical Care Medicine 2004; 32:313-4.
Polderman KH. Use of induced hypothermia for neuroprotection. In: 2004 yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 830-43.
ILCOR:International Liasion Committee on Resuscitation(国際蘇生連絡協議会)
RCT:Randomized Controlled Traial(ランダム化比較試験)
Eurotherm 3235Trial:http://www.eurotherm3235trial.eu/home/index.phtml